Empowering Moms; love your life again!

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Take a look at what Arnold Chiropractic patients are saying about our care.
228 N. Main
Goddard, KS 67052
"I can be nice now that my brain isn't being pinched!"
- 7 yr old, A.B.
Dear Dr. Jamie-
I would like to take a moment to thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do for me.
I always considered myself healthy and active. Then in a very short period of time I began suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid reflux, indigestion, crippling arthritis, weight gain, hot flashes and night sweats. I thought I was falling apart and was devastated by the changes in my health. I tried over the counter drugs, personal trainers, and traditional medical advice including surgery, with little or no progress. Then a friend told me about how you had helped her.
It's been an amazing transformation for me. You've taught me how easy it is to make a few changes in my diet specific to what I need, not the latest trend, so it works for me. Then we supplement my diet where my body needs it with whole food supplements. At my last annual physical, my doctor commented on my health as remarkable. Most of my symptoms have either vanished or are greatly diminished. I feel better, sleep better, concentrate better and have a great attitude! I now enjoy a an active, healthy and happy lifestyle. I hate to think how I would still be suffering had I not found you.
Thanks again for sharing your passion to live well. I'm excited for us to enjoy a long, healthy and happy relationship.
Sincerely Yours,
The custom herbal blend you created for me is getting my rave reviews because I have not had any nighttime hot flashes, only one during the day & IT HAS HELPED ME SLEEP TO THE ALARM. I haven't done that since I was still working at my old job 3 years ago! -W. S.
My stomach has NEVER been better! Paying very close attention to my diet and the Spanish Black Radish has been awesome for my healing. I rarely have issues anymore and have lost 46 lbs since my hip replacements (both last yr Sept for the right and Dec for the left).
Thank you from my heart! - B.
"I had been tired and stressed out for years and didn't even know it. After starting my nutritional protocol based on the Heart Sound Recorder analysis, I can feel an improvement! I'm so grateful to have found this!" J.
After struggling with postpartum depression for over a year, I was referred to Dr. Arnold by a friend. After just 3 short months of Dr. Arnold's prescribed treatment plan, my symptoms significantly decreased and I feel like myself again! Dr. Arnold is very knowledgeable and takes the time to educate her patients. I trust Dr. Arnold and am so grateful to her! I will continue to recommend her to my friends and family. -R.J.
Dear Dr. Jamie:
Congratulations on your new practice. You will definitely be a great asset to Chiropractic Medicine. The downside is I will not have you available to carry on my treatment program for my neck and leg muscles.
Your positive attitude, skills, and commitment to my physical health have made me more appreciative of Chiropractic Medicine and my desire to improve my own health.
Your professional approach with a friendly demeanor are essential traits for your future efforts in helping people with problems.
My best wishes to your family and your practice.
T. E. W.
Dear Dr. Jamie,
I just wanted to thank you for the great improvement I've experienced since coming to you for treatment for my back. I used to hurt all over when I wasn't even doing anything and now I don't. I used to have to sit down frequently when standing to do a task and now I can stand to cook a whole meal. I have noticed a considerable improvement in my legs being equal in length which has helped me to walk much better and stand in one place for long periods of time...like 50 minutes in line to renew my driver's license. I never could have done this before! Thanks for improving the quality of my life so much!
Jackie R.
I keep meaning to tell you.....I gave up biting my nails for Lent. It is annoying for my nails to be too long as I'm in paint, clay, etc all day long with the kids so I've never really liked them long anyway. Anytime I've ever stopped biting my nails I'm usually not very successful because they break and peel and just aren't strong. However....this time they're growing very slowly but are hard as a rock! I can't believe it! If that's not a testament to the supplements I don't know what is! Whohoo!
I'm skeptical of doctors and rarely take medicine, but the pain in my shoulder had progressed from a discomfort to a concern. A family member suggested I see a chiropractor and recommended Dr. Jamie at Arnold Chiropractic. Dr. Jamie correctly diagnosed the pain as coming from my neck rather than my shoulder, explained why the problem had developed and corrected the misaligned vertebra. Additionally, she gave me good general advice about nutrition and answered a lot of my questions about health and fitness.
I did not feel any pressure to "sign up" and I appreciated Dr. Jamie's honesty and direct manner. I would pass on my cousin's recommendation to anyone looking for short- or long-term care. Arnold Chiropractic seemed more interested in my health than in my wallet - and that has made a lasting good impression!
Dear Dr. Arnold
Thanks again for the [nutritional supplements]. I am amazed at what a difference it is making and how depleted I must still be evidently by the headache that came with in one day of being with out. But, I love having an answer to my health and being empowered to make the difference.
L.K., 38 yr old mother of 3